5 days after Jenny’s layoff, we had our followup call. “Thank you for the initial call. I felt better now and would like to kick-start my job search. What shall I do next?” Jenny asked me. After giving herself and her family some time to digest the news, Jenny is now ready to get back in the game.
When it comes to the job search game,
The common approach is: You sit at your computer and start applying to every job you see. The more effective approach is: You strategize it and submit applications only to those job openings that you are likely to get invited for interviews by the hiring companies.
Effective job searching is never about the number of resumes you can throw out each day, it requires the right mindset and right match - and that’s what we are here to discuss today.
The Right Mindset
Before you pull out your resume, let’s first adjust our mentality.
Know Your Why Rethink the type of job you actually want, ask yourself: “what do I want and why do I want it?” You can start by visualizing your “Best-Fit-Job” through evaluating your ideal Technical, Personality, Cultural, and Motivational fit in the next role. Having a clear goal and being able to articulate it precisely will be a major differentiator prospective employers look for in candidates.
The Right Match
According to Glassdoor, there is an average of 250 applications per job opening; in which, only 4 to 6 will be invited for an interview, and probably one will get an offer.
Know the Why of Your Prospective Employer Rethink about your past, particularly on moments when you have landed job offers. Did you notice that your previous employers have their own “Best-Fit-Candidate Profile” based on the opening’s Technical, Personality, Cultural and Motivational requirements as well? Ultimately, the key to job searching is to be the right match at the right time for the right company.
Be Patient & be Persistent
To combat the current situation of Covid-19, companies that are still hiring are much more prudent when making a hiring decision. Therefore, the full cycle of job search for candidates is now expected to take even longer. We know it’s hard, but please be patient and remember to track all your job search efforts. Persistence and grit will land you with your next ideal job, it's just a matter of time.
How do we know? Because we have been on both sides of the table - the one that got laid off and the one with 20+ years’ global HR leadership experience that handled recruiting and restructuring.
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